
Happy New Year

Happy New Year! 
I love a fresh year.  Each new year brings open doors for so many things.  I am thankful for the doors that opened in 2014 and also for the ones that closed.  And the year ahead I know will come with many openings and closings.
I hope that you take time today or this weekend to really dream for 2015.  To embrace all that is ahead, a new chapter.  Ready for the journeying. 
One of my favorite authors is Jennie Allen and she has put together a great starter if you don't know where to begin yourself.  Check it out!  If you are a dreamer you will love it.  If you have sort of forgotten to dream...this will restart you. 
And for the forgotten dreamer, I want you to know I get you. 
One of my favorite quotes comes from the movie Hope Floats:
"Beginnings are scary, endings are usually sad, but it's the middle that counts the most.  Try to remember that when you find yourself at a new beginning...just give hope a chance to float up."
We stand at a new beginning. 
No matter how 2014 ended for you, we are all, all of us, standing at the start.
Before you start, dream a little.
And as you are dreaming, give hope a chance. 
If you don't feel it now...give it a chance to float it's way into your heart again.
Doesn't have to be big.
No matter, give it a chance.
I am excited for this little diary here in cyberspace.  My hope and desire is that when you read this diary you laugh, you are encouraged, and you feel normal. 
Here's to what is ahead!
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1 comment:

  1. I love the New Year! The beginning of things- summer, the school year...they are all "fresh starts"! A time to be who you want to be! To be more relaxed, to do more with friends, to look ahead at the exciting things that could happen! It's just amazing! I'm so happy your blog is back up, I have missed reading it!
