
You're Up and then You're Down

I mean you are up at one second with this process and then you are down!  What a crazy day it has been!  My brain is just realing with paperwork stuff and we are getting so close.  A few things that have uncovered today that need to be taken care of before we can move forward.  And then the document that I already sent off for State Certification needs to be corrected!!  What??  At least I asked my case worker about it so I can fix it now and not down the road when I submit all the paperwork.  So....that was hard to swallow!  BUT, God is faithful, God is good, God is amazing, God is all powerful!  No matter what changes around me....HE never changes!  THANK YOU LORD!  I am encouraged because the woman I asked for prayer with last night for her husband to have their MOWA letter at court...........IT WAS THERE!  Prayer is SO powerful!  How awesome! 

I am also thankful that BSF is moved to Wednesday this week because I need tomorrow to do some running around!  God makes paths for us and I am so thankful!

Have a great evening........we are going to do some vacation planning with friends, have some dinner, wacky cake, and some basketball!  GO whoever is playing!  Hahaha!

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