

Not only are we literally waiting......but we are STILL waiting on our October numbers and the month is nearing its close.  I have to say that I get all excited as my email is loading thinking that I will have an email from our case worker and then when I don't see it my heart does do a little *sigh.  But the Lord is giving me great encouragement in His Word and through what  He is teaching both Dave and me.  The great verse that has been in my life since my baptism, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make straight your path."  Proverbs 3:5-6.  This very is just a step by step lesson in waiting isn't it?  
1.  Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart.  Not a piece of your heart...not half your heart....ALL your heart.
2.  Do not lean on your own understanding of the situation.  Don't try to figure things out or come up with your own conclusions.
3.  Always acknowledge the Lord.  I looked up "acknowledge" in the thesaurus and this is what I found:  Accept, allow, attest to, defend, defer to, own, recognize, uphold, YIELD.  So in all my ways I should allow the Lord, I should recognize the Lord, I should yield to the Lord. 
4.  By doing this, the Lord PROMISES me that He will make straight the path that leads to my little love!

I just love how the Word can meet you right where you need it to meet you.  Right in your loneliness or anxiousness....it leads us right to Him!  And in Him that is where peace is found.  

So....wishing that there were some cute pictures to show you today, but their aren't.  But I do have the evidence of the Lord working in my heart to develop in me all that I need to depend on Him more and more....for that I am grateful!

Happy Monday!

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