

Monday is here.  I am pushing back the cobwebs from this blog and opening it back up!  Two months have almost passed by and it is time for some writing.  

Those who know me can decipher pretty quickly that camp is over.  I have the awesome job of running a 6 week summer children's theater camp and our final performance was last Thursday night.  And it was incredible.  We had over 500 people in our audience...a sold out crowd!  So fun for those kids to be on that stage in front of a packed house.  I was so proud of them!

This morning, I got to sleep in and my girls slept in as well!  So sweet to walk down the stairs, start of pot of coffee, and just sit in a chair in the silence.  Sweet.  Having a lazy day is just what we all needed around here.  

July 18 marked two years that we have been on the wait list.  TWO YEARS.  That day hit me like a ton of bricks.  It still hits hard to type the words.  To say the words.  There is an ache in my heart.  A sadness.  It is hard to describe and I am sure hard for some to understand.  I know that the Lord is faithful and I know that He will finish what He began so long ago.  I know that waiting is part of our journey....not the whole journey.  But this part of the journey is hard.  Waiting on the Lord has its bitter and has its sweet.  So much has happened in this wait that make me say I would do it all over again.  That significant.  That transformative.  And it is those miracles over the last few years that I hold tight to in moving forward in the wait.  This week will be big in Ethiopia.  There is going to be a round table discussion in regards to the process moving forward.  Agencies banding together for the orphan!  Please pray for these meetings.  Pray for mountains to be moved.  I also ask that you pray for paperwork to be processed and completed!  There are millions of orphans.  We know this.  But unless their paperwork gets to where it needs to be....they will never have another status other than orphan.  Please be praying for paperwork to be completed and moved!!!  

New journey for the Campbell family is finishing up our summer!  And my oldest will be going to FULL DAY KINDERGARTEN in less than a month!  What?  Oh my word!  I have to start preparing my heart.  I am so excited for her because I know she will thrive!  But it is an end to a season for me.  I have loved nothing more in life than being Mom.  Being a stay at home Mom has been a blessing!  So this will be the end of that season for me and the birth of a new one!  Grieving the ending and getting excited for the new season!

Thinking of school starting and packing lunches....I stumbled upon 100 Days of Real Food not too long ago.  The idea has really stuck with me since......and now we are thinking of diving into the challenge!  Please note:  I type this while eating my Jimmy Dean breakfast sandwich!  Haha!  Basically, it is a journey of cutting out processed foods and starting to eat REAL foods!  You can check out her website at:  www.100daysofrealfood.com  

More to come.......

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